15 feb 2012

Puff-pastry with nuts

Macadamias Spanish Delicatessen

1/2 kg of mass of puff-pastry
 1 glass of oil / or butter
Sirope (sugar / water / lemon)
 Macadamias Spanish Delicatessen
Almonds Spanis Delicatessen
Almonds Spanish Delicatessen 
Way of preparation:

To realize the Sirope we will put 1/2 glass of sugar in a casserole, water glass to cover it with 1/2 and to add a bit of juice of 1 lemon. We will stop to boil to slow fire until it has the wished thickness. We will smear the mold with oil, and will put it in the oven to medium temperature. When we verify that the puff-pastry is gilded we will extract it of the oven and will water it with the sirope and the almonds and macadamias. We it advise to serve cold.