25 may 2012

Allioli Sauce: strong, healthy & Mediterranean Diet

Spanish Delicatessen Allioli Sauce
The aioli sauce is one of the oldest sauce we know of and one of the most typical sauce of Mediterranean cuisine, with natural and genuine taste of garlic and oil, aromatic ingredients and very healthy. Accompanies all types of meat, fish, salads and vegetables.

APPLICATION: Accompanies fish, mussels, shellfish, cod, grilled meats (rabbit, chicken ...), vegetables and boiled or fried vegetables, potatoes, salad and toast. The Spanish Delicatessen Salsa Allioli flavored meat broths and cooking sauce too, obtaining the "negat aioli" is great in the "stews" and fish stews, meat and fish soups.

INGREDIENTS: Olive Oil, Vegetable Oil, Garlic "Pedroñeras" and salt.

No eggs, no preservatives, preserves time of 18 months at room temperature only needs trust when you open the package. Our brand offers high quality products.

To order or contact: info@spanishdelicatessen.es

or clik here: Web contact

We export all over the world, ask about minimum orders

Alioli Sauce Spanish Delicatessen in Fine Food Digest: